Group 1

Engineering and Technology


Theme: Interdisciplinary Research and Practice

Moderator: Mr. Fernando Andrade/Dr. Gobi Kanadasan

Zoom Link: Click here

Meeting ID: 864 7887 2170| Passcode: 583695

Name: Mr. Hau Woon San

Presentation Title: Working with Limits: A Reflection


Name: Dr. Beh Jing Han

Presentation Title: Characterization and fire protection properties of rubberwood biomass ash formulated intumescent coatings for steel

Affiliation: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)

Name: Ms. Rahmawaty

Presentation Title: Investigation on Hybridised Formats of Studio Delivery for Post-COVID 19

Affiliation: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)

Name: Ar.Dr. Miguel A. Robles

Presentation Title: Petronas Leadership Centre – Aspiring for Net Zero Energy

Affiliation: Associate Architect, VERITAS Design Group

Name: Prof. Dr. P. Senthil Kumar

Presentation Title: Sources, Toxicity and Remedial Technologies for the Removal of Microfiber Pollutants from Water Environment

Affiliation: Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, India

Name: Dr. Ng Law Yong

Presentation Title: Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane Incorporating Silver-Doped Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots for Enhanced Verapamil Removal

Affiliation: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)

Name: Dr. Gobi Kanadasan

Presentation Title: Aerobic granules as an emerging technology for the wastewater treatment

Affiliation: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)

Name: Mr Prakas Palanychamy

Presentation Title: Critical Review of the Various Reaction Mechanisms for Glycerol Etherification

Affiliation: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)